LEER Title Services is an issuing agent for Stewart Title. Stewart has among the best financial ratings of the six largest insurers, and was listed as one of “America’s Most Admired Companies” for its financial soundness by Fortune Magazine. The Stewart Title site offers Solutions for Home Buyers & Sellers. Find out how title insurance can protect your real estate investment, read helpful tips on buying or selling your home, get advice on how to choose a realtor or lender, and much more!
In January 2006, Stewart was named one of FORTUNE's “America’s Most Admired Companies”, ranked as number four on the “Mortgage Services” industry list. Stewart was the highest ranking title insurance company of the list, receiving high marks for its use of corporate assets and financial soundness.
The company also remains on the Standard and Poor’s SmallCap 600 list and the FORTUNE 1000 list of companies. In addition, Stewart Information Services Corporation is included on the Russell 200, 2500 and 3000 Value Indexes and the Russell 2000, 2500 and 3000 Indexes.
Stewart Title Guaranty Company is the primary underwriter for Stewart Information Services Corporation. Stewart Title Guaranty’s 31 years of consecutive growth in reserves and surplus is unmatched in the title industry. Its outstanding financial performance has been recognized by the industry’s foremost rating companies with the following impressive marks:
Demotech, Inc. - A+
Fitch Ratings - A+
LACE Financial - A